


Scrips program

Cookbook status

Tech spending

Holiday shoppe

Poor ROI in Applefest fundraising



*Enrichment programs have been primary funded by family sponsors

--Karen McQuade would like to allocate enrichment funds ($5,000) towards other items as a result such as:

  1) Building improvements: increasing space in aftercare room-moving David’s office from aftercare room to upstairs which would open the space of to work better for specials, enrichment programs, and students working during the school day.

   2)need two storage cases ($1000/ea) for ipads and netbooks for charging at night


*parent suggested merging yola ptg calendar with Cornerstone calendar


*Kim Anderson has taken over scrips fundraiser.  She will be emailing out an introduction letter in the next week to explain the program.  Order forms are scheduled to go out in the journals the week of 12/2/13. 

  -Jody Myers suggested adjusting the budget to compensate for program not getting started at the beginning of the year.


*New restaurant coordinator is Carolyn Houley


*Cookbook status ~ 70 recipes received.  We need at least 100 recipes. 


*Tech spending-no receipts turned into Jody yet.  $250 in budget for the remainder of the year.

            $2250 has been spent-5 chrome books paid by PTG, 5 paid by Parent, 5 paid by Cornerstone, 5 microscopes ($190/ea) paid by PTG


*Holiday Shoppe-scheduled for 12/16 (Monday) set up is usually done over the weekend.  Friday will be considered for set up date this year.  Aftercare would be moved to Mrs. Short’s room for the afternoon.  Set up date/time TBD.


*Applefest-expenses associated with participating are high in comparison to funds coming in.  A lot of work for $270 profit.  Applefest has been for fundraising and marketing.  Hermant suggested concentrating only on marketing via marching in parade only.  If Applefest moved back to prior location it would be worth participating in. 

Fall fundraiser for 2014/15 school year- Volunteers needed.  Coordinator and committees need to be formed before end of current school year.


Next PTG Meeting Wednesday, December 18 @ 7pm.