
*Fall Fundraiser

*Budget 2013-14


Formalize elections

-President: Hemant Mallavaram

-VP: Alicia O’Brien

-Treasurer: Jody Myers

-Secretary: Roz Arneth

Co-Treasurer: Oxana Longinova


All were voted in


We are in need of a community outreach coordinator for next year. 


Fall Fundraiser: Roxana

Timing did not work out this year.  Next year-community event, fun family event.

Issues with Applefest timing needs to be worked out

Ideas for fall fundraising for this year:

build brick walkway-sell bricks.  Donations specified for playground improvement this year.

*Plaque/s engraved on wall at school- Karen mentioned Fire Department has *conditions on wall hangings.  Must be encased. 

*Karen-engraving of stone wall possibility

*possibly engraved bricks for a garden in the back of the school.  Possibility of alumni donating.


Cookbook fundraiser-all families donate a couple of recipes-est. *

$10-$15 sale amount. 

*Others mentioned higher price could be charged. 

*Suggestions were to have student favorites or family favorites for recipes along with picture of child and/or drawing by child


Roxana would like to do both cookbook and engraving project


Spring Festa

*need to pick a date

*feedback on venues from past-both were positive

*This year possibly Nashoba winery with a jazz quartet








*Discussed whether to continue with AppleFest or not.  Profits have been diminishing since change of venue happened.

*Removed Hannafords from budget category

*planning to up Uno’s nights out from 4 to 6 times throughout the year

*more discussion about bricks for budget purposes-up to 6 lines/20 characters per line/$35 purchase price a brick, $5 cost of brick, estimating 50 bricks purchased.  Budgeting TBD

*Field trips equally dispersed between classrooms

*removed netbooks category

*technology needs-

               Beth Short- microscopes@$190/ea

                              Chrome books-15 @$250/ea- budgeting 5 chromebooks

                              (possibly of portion of above paid for by family donation)

*taxes and fees include fees paid for raffle taxes, etc.

*financial management is for ptg software

*cookbooks purchase price extended $25/ea, cost to create book $5, pre-order forms will be sent out.  Estimated 50 books purchased, $1000 profit.


*question arose regarding our cash flow- whether our funding would come in before expenses needed to be made.  We have starting bank balance of $10,000.


Budget approved for this year

Next PTG meeting Wednesday, November 13th @ 7pm.