In Attendance:

Hemant Mallavaram

Chaya Mallavaram

Meena Yegneswaran

Carolyn Hooley

Claire Moriyama

Karen McQuade

Hai Wang

Leah Cairns

Glenn Conchado

Jagat Brahma

Jody Myers

Roxana Trabulsi

Kim Manning

Neelu Cordova

Ipsita Roymoulik

Gregg Raleigh

Rosalind Arneth

Mary Simoneau

Kevin Meany

Ananth Kumar

Vadim Longinov


Budget for 2012-target is $15,000

2012 Fundraising projection target is $15,000

Spring Festa goal is $7500

Applefest income estimated at $500-$600 this year.  Didn’t do as well due to change of venue.

AED  (automated external defibrillator) approved to be paid by PTG a couple of years ago.  In budget for this year.

20112011 preallocated2012
Educational & field trips380015003500
  smartboard upgrade25000
Teacher Allowance30003000

Community outreach200200
Fun events750750

Financial mgmt,
Rainy day acct20000

Building improv.
Playground safety5000
Safety AED1200
Speaker System
requested by Karen McQuade


Parent requested new playground equipment.  Will be looked into by playground committee.

PTG is giving $5000 for equipment, and will discuss adding more from surplus in PTG account if needed.

Help with playground committee would be greatly appreciated…please contact Ipsita Roymoulik if interested.

31 fundraiser was brought up by a parent and discussed as a potential small fundraiser to be added this year.

Next PTG meeting Wednesday, November 7, 2012 at 7pm