In Attendance:

Rosalind Arneth

Roxana Trabulsi

Jody Myers

Swetha Meka

Karen McQuade

Deli Liu

Stephanie Doty

Mike Lepore

Hemant Mallavaram

Alden Do Rosario

David Demanche

Derrick Anderson

Maria Barrett Bolstad

Srirekha Maddukuri

Linda Fisher


1.        Budget…money in…money out

a.        Money In…

i.          Applefest-we were expecting $900 but actual money raised was $1152.39

ii.       Scrips-we were expecting $1250 for entire year, but have already received $1420.20

b.       Money out…

i.         Netbooks for 3 fourth graders in Ms. Simoneau’s class were purchased and are being put to great use.  They were approximately $300 each.  Awaiting invoice.

ii.       Mini white board purchased

iii.      Lanschool subscription purchased for 1 year ($199)

2.        Fundraisers

a.       Bowlfest

                                                               i.      Most volunteers from last year still plan to help for this year’s event

                                                             ii.      Need 1 more volunteer for community outreach portion of event

1.       Position entails talking with potential sponsors and negotiating how they play a role in the fundraiser

b.       Spring Fundraiser updated by Roxanna Trabulsi

                                                               i.      Possibly send out a survey with 4 ideas to vote on:

1.       Formal, fancy evening- wine tasting

2.       Harvest Moon Café

3.       Murder Mystery night

4.       Family event- trivia night

       c.    Possibly add another event to host a family night in addition to an adults only night

      3.      Next Scrips ordered submission date planned for 12/8/11 in time for the holidays.  Gift certificates should be back at the school approximately 12/13/11


Next meeting Tuesday 12/6/11