
Browsing Archive: September, 2011

PTG Minutes September 20, 2011

Posted by Cornerstone PTG Officers on Thursday, September 22, 2011,


In Attendance:

Rosalind Arneth

Ramesh Sivarajan

Susan Norris

Chaya Mallavaram

Hemant Mallavaram

Linda Fisher

Mary Simoneau

Derrick Anderson

Alden Do Rosario

Stephanie Doty

Yao Chen

Libo Jiang

Gregg Raleigh

David DeManche

Roxana Trabulsi

Melissa Platzman


1.        Recap of fundraising efforts for previous year. 

a.       Cruise night earnings and donations exceeded expectations, so PTG was able to bump up teacher budget as well as building budget last year.

b.      $3...

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PTG Minutes September 7, 2011

Posted by Cornerstone PTG Officers on Wednesday, September 14, 2011,

In attendance:

Jody Myers

Mike Lepore

Lynda Fisher

Chaya Mallavaram

Joanna Raleigh

Gregg Raleigh

Hemant Mallavaram

Libo Jiang

Xiang-Dong Mi

Balaji Sundaresan

Alden DoRosario

Mary Simoneau

Derrick Anderson

David Demanche

Robin Cannon

Swetha Meka

Srirekha Maddukuri

Kevin Meany

Rosalind Arneth

Amy McCormack

Karen McQuade

I.                    2010-2011 Recap

A.      PTG was able to fund the following over the 2010-2011 academic year:

ยท         Tile in aftercare room/Ms. ...

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